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trying to keep the testicular cancer survival rate above 95%
Testicular cancer UK charoity awareness and support charity run by survivors in the UK

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testicular cancer symptoms

testicular cancer Symptoms 


Signs of testicular cancer

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HOW TO check testicles

testicular cancer charity

Quick video showing you how to check

testicular cancer Diagnosis

What to expect

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testicular cancer Treatment

How they treat testicular cancer

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What to expect

Testicular cancer support

Friendly online private support group on Facebook

or you can Talk to Phil!

Phil Morris MBE is the founder of testicular cancer UK. He's had testicular cancer twice and has over the years talked to hundreds of men going through testicular cancer and given them advice, explain what could happen, and most of all just some moral support. He's very laid back and a former soldier so get in touch

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Welcome to Your Haven for Hope, Friendship, and Advice!


Hello there, and a warm virtual handshake and slap on the back from our community at Testicular Cancer UK, a place crafted by survivors, for survivors, and for everyone touched by the journey of testicular cancer.


At, we understand that facing this diagnosis can be one of life's most unexpected challenges. That's why we've come together as survivors who've triumphed over this battle to offer you a safe place amidst the storm. Our mission is simple: to spread awareness, extend a hand of friendship, and provide valuable advice and support to those walking this path.


Here, you're not alone. You're part of a down-to-earth caring community where stories of strength, resilience, and hope are shared daily. Whether you're here seeking information, looking for a friend who's been there, or eager to contribute your own experiences, you've found the right place. Our journey may have been tough, but it's also been transformative, and we're here to share the wisdom we've gained along the way.


WE DO THIS BECAUSE WE'VE HAD IT and we all have normal daytime jobs, No big fancy office and fancy corporate titles, just lads who want to make a difference. We are here all the time, not just one month a year.


So explore, and don't hesitate to reach out. You're among friends who understand, who've conquered, and who are here to remind you that with determination, support, and a sprinkle of laughter, there's life after testicular cancer. Welcome to our family – we're so glad you're here!

With warmth and camaraderie,


The Team

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The most common symptoms of testicular cancer are,


Lump on the testicle inside the scrotum


A hard Swelling or shrinking testicle


Less common along with the symptoms above.


Dull ache in the testicle


Lower back pain that does not go away


There are no rules with testicular cancer so get all problems looked at by your Doctor



oddballs foundation

testicular cancer charity

so what do testicles do?

 The Importance of Testicles,  yes we mostly makes jokes or use them as an insult,

 They are More Than Just a Punchline!!


Testicles, often the subject of jokes and insults, are indeed much more than just organs ready to create babies. While they play a vital role in reproduction by producing sperm, there's a lot more to these fascinating organs that often go unnoticed.


Beyond Sperm Production:

Testicles, or testes, are not only responsible for sperm production but also play a significant role in hormone production. They are formed from germ cells, just like ovaries in females, making them susceptible to a type of cancer known as germ cell cancer. This highlights their essential function in the male body.


The Significance of Testosterone:

One of the key hormones produced by the testicles is testosterone. This male sex hormone is crucial for male development during puberty and continues to impact everyday life. Testosterone influences various aspects of a man's physical and mental well-being, contributing to their energy levels, mood, and overall vitality. It also plays a vital role in maintaining bone density and muscle mass.


The Interplay of Mental and Physical Well-Being:

Proper functioning testicles are crucial for maintaining mental and physical well-being. While jokes about testicles might continue, it's essential to remember that these little fellas play a significant role in men's lives. Neglecting their health can have serious consequences on a man's overall health and happiness.



Testicles may often be the subject of humour, but it's important to recognise their true significance. They are not only essential for reproduction but also contribute to the hormonal balance that impacts a man's development, energy levels, and mental well-being. So let's not just trivialize them with jokes; instead, let's appreciate and take care of these remarkable organs that contribute to a healthy and fulfilling life.

 testicular cancer q&A

What is the survival rate for testicular cancer?


In recent years the survival rate for testicular cancer is above 95%. More awareness by charities such as ourselves has contributed to getting men checking. Finding it early is key but even if cancer has spread the survival rate is brilliant with over 95 percent still cancer free after  5 years The treatments for testicular cancer are now better than ever. Unfortunately, some men do pass away but the odds of survival are very high.


Are all lumps found in a man's scrotum cancer?


No there are other lumps that can be found in the area, Cysts are common and infections but all lumps should be checked out.


Is there more than one type of testicular cancer?


Yes, some are more aggressive and some can be more common with a man's age but overall with the right treatments and finding it early they have a good survival rate


what is germ cell cancer?


Testicular cancer is a germ cell cancer and so is ovarian cancer in females. Germ cells can only be found in reproduction organs so they are similar.


Is it true testicular cancer is more common in young men and is it rare?


The average age in the UK at present is 28, and it's most common in ages 15 to 40 however, anyone with testicles can be diagnosed. As cancer rates go, it is still relatively rare in the UK with around 2300 men a year being diagnosed. It is however on the increase, in 2004 it was estimated that 1800 men were diagnosed with testicular cancer


Will I have to have the testicle removed?


If your ultrasound scan on the testicle shows a suspected mass (tumor) then yes it's best to have it removed. The operation is pretty easy and most men are up and about within days, but take it easy of course. The testicle is sent away to see what type of cancer is in there so your oncologist can plan any treatments it's important that it's removed.


Do all men diagnosed with testicular cancer need chemo?


Not all, if you've found cancer early then some men with no sign of spread are offered survivance for a number of years. In recent years they are not been as fast to put men on chemotherapy regimes and believe there is no need to subject men to long-term side effects if unneeded. They will keep a close eye on you and act on any recurrence quickly.


Can a pregnancy test detect testicular cancer?


Yes, BUT it can only detect a certain type of testicular cancer, there are a few different types so the only sure way to diagnose it is to go and see a doctor


Can I still have sex and children after testicular cancer?


Yes, most men can perform sexually after testicular cancer and most men do go on to have children naturally.

During the diagnosis of testicular cancer, you will be asked to bank sperm just in case you need to have IVF in the future, but most men find they conceive without needing help!

Some men however if cancer has spread through the body need an operation to remove the lymph nodes that are harboring cancer which can affect sexual performance and also make them infertile, it's rare but unfortunately is part of surviving.


After treatment can cancer come back to the other testicle?


Yes, it can but it's rare, which is why it is important to check once a month. In men who do have recurrence the men who check once a month and report it are most common to not need any treatments.


What to expect if you are diagnosed with Testicular cancer film


At, we are a charity dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by testicular cancer. We are committed to providing information, support and resources to those affected by testicular cancer, and their families. We also have a dedicated testicular cancer phone line, where people can call for questions or just to have a chat about going through testicular cancer and ask about treatments. Everyone at is passionate about helping those affected by testicular cancer, and we are determined to make a difference.

testicular cancer support help line phone

testicular cancer, Donate, fundraise or monthly donations

How you can help us

We've had this cancer so its personal to us. We work hard all year spreading awareness and offering testicular cancer support.

We visit schools and workplaces to do award-winning talks and visit British armed forces bases with awareness drives. We really need your help, we don't just do this once a year. 

Here for everyone!

Our testicular cancer support forum and helpline are for everyone to use. If you would like advice on treatments, or just have a chat about it all, get in touch

what we do

Testicular cancer UK ( formely called is a  support and awareness charity set up in 2004 by survivors who wanted a place where men and their loved ones can find some emotional support, advice and friendship when diagnosed with testicular cancer. Set up by Phil Morris MBE who went through the diagnosis and treatments feeling very alone and just wanted to talk to someone who had been through it. He thinks that he would have coped better if he knew what it was like to go through chemotherapy, scans and a bit of emotional support.


This was before Facebook and Twitter, and even in 2004, there were no support groups in the UK for men diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Now it is a worldwide resource for anyone wanting to find information and help through testicular cancer with an online forum, phoneline and online films made by Phil and other survivors across the UK. 

Please get in touch if you need a chat or watch the brilliant testicular cancer films on this website.


We also do brilliant award-winning talks to schools and workplaces across the UK. We use zoom or Microsoft  meeting of we can come to your school if you are in the north west of the UK


Please donate if you'd like to help us carry on our work .


what could be causing testicular cancer

Testicular cancer and Ovarian are both Germ cell type cancer. Recent research is pointing towards under development of testicles in the womb and at birth. Although there is no clear evidence, men with low birth weight and possibly born premature and indeed have undescended testicles at birth are shown to have a slight increase in developing testicular cancer.


One possible theory, yes we all start in the womb as female embryos  ( which is why we both males and females have breasts) and during the pregnancy, we turn into males, and what could either be ovaries or testicles start to develop into testicles. This stage of the pregnancy could be happening later in the cycle so testicles are not properly formed when we are born.  In twin males the second born is also at a slight risk in of testicular cancer, this is possibly due to due to slightly undeveloped testicles.


The sperm count in the UK is lowering and an alarming rate, but also a women's chance of having fully developed egg-bearing ovaries are being affected too. 


An increase in the female hormone Oestrogen in the environment could be increasing the risk or causing smaller testicles and also ovaries over the last 40 years. 



testicular cancer symptoms

Jamie Garrett

My brain was absolutely spinning the week I found out I had testicular cancer and Google was my worst enemy. I had already been put in touch with another charity and everything felt a bit immature, jokey and just a stream of lad based “bollock banter” and felt I had nothing to lose in contacting TCUK. Within 10 minutes Phil had called me and gave me the talking to I really needed. He gave me confidence, reassurance and lift that I really needed. He genuinely listened to me, not selfishly promoting his own experiences but as if he was a mate I’d know for years. That is the culture of the entire TCUK support group. Genuine support at a time when you really need it. It was, and remains to be,my go to resource when I need to know something or needed to feel the support and warmth of people that had been through it before. 

Testicular cancer videos and Vlogs


Testicular cancer education and awareness talks

We do BRILLIANT testicular and male cancer online talks via zoom or face to face at schools and workplaces and because we are veterans we are committed to the armed forces 


They are funny and easy to watch BUT everyone will learn a great deal about the symptoms of cancer

hosted by Phil Morris MBE


"Philly was brilliant"


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bosch cancer awareness
liverpool fc cancer testicular cancer mens health LFC KLOPP

testicular cancer and mental health

So you've sorted your cancer but what about the mind games?

Being told you have cancer can stop life in its tracks and most men when they are told they have testicular cancer will agree that for a good while after they feel numb and all of a sudden mortal. Cancer happens to other people and surely I am too young to have cancer? ( testicular cancer average age is 35).


Thinking “I’m going to die” is a normal reaction


Men also feel that life has stopped and felt that the normal daily routine just flies past because you are thinking “cancer” from the minute you wake until the minute you get back to sleep at night.


You can feel that because you have cancer you will get many calls and be rushed into a cancer hospital within days for treatments and to get rid of cancer. Having been told you have cancer or may have it and actually starting treatment can be weeks of waiting for appointments, blood test results with little or no support. All men in our support group admit that waiting for results and a plan of action is by far some of the most difficult times.


Some men feel that they are losing part of their manhood. They can also feel that the testicle is part of them, it has been there since birth, it all of a sudden become important and we’ve ignored it for most of our lives, all normal feelings and by no means stupid.


It's almost guaranteed that every TV advert is about cancer, someone will say “oh my mate had cancer, he died”.


In truth, it is a very confusing and difficult time.


Very few men actually die from testicular cancer in the UK, although getting into remission can be a long process with chemotherapy used.


This is why we have a support group and we encourage men to join it, talk about it and not feel alone. There are no stupid questions in our forum as we all know that your head can be a whirlwind of thoughts and worry.


Some men think it’s “unmanly” to ask for a chat or join a group, they also feel that they may see horror stories and don’t want to know what they may have to go through until it happens, all normal feelings.


The group is there if you need it. Yes, you may see someone having a bad time on chemo or talking about a subject that might frighten you BUT you may find that it will help to ask a searching question about treatment or a phrase you don’t understand. Men who have had testicular cancer admit that waiting for results when first diagnosed is one of the hardest times, when will the letters come? when will they phone me?. It can take up to 6 weeks from having the first ultrasound scan on the testicle until you see an oncologist. They feel numb and can’t focus on anything else which is of course understandable.


They read the internet a lot searching the internet for any sign that cancer they have is curable and what is the survival rate. They can also become a bit snappy and find themselves sleeping less. Our advice is to try and carry on as normal, keep busy, do all the normal things you normally do as the results and tests and appointments WILL come. Research cancer when you know which type and what your treatment is. It can get very confusing. Please don’t think you are going mad or weak if you feel these emotions, you would have to be inhuman to not feel like this once you’ve been diagnosed with cancer




Our worldwide testicular cancer network 

Denmark and Australia
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Veterans cancer support UK

Johnny mercer
testicular cancer network

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contact email testicular cancer charity
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